Blackmer SX Series

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    Blackmer SX Series


    As part of the Stainless Line of sliding vane pumps, Blackmer® SX Series pumps are specifically engineered for corrosive, low- and medium-viscosity process applications at high capacities. These pumps are ideal for handling shear-sensitive liquids at high speeds with no product degradation. SX Series pumps are constructed of 316 stainless steel, and provide reliable, continuous duty operation with no preventative maintenance.


    For unbeatable durability, reliability and the lowest overall cost of ownership, the Blackmer SX3 Series stainless-steel process vane pump is the ideal pump for high-capacity process applications between 100 and 250 gpm (22 and 56 m3/hr). Designed for a wide range of chemical applications and compatibility, SX3 Series pumps feature Duravane and external ball bearings protected by chemical mechanical seals with PTFE elastomers. The pump’s performance offers low shear, non-pulsing flow and pressure capabilities to 125 psi (8.6 bar) with superior vacuum capabilities for self-priming, loading/unloading and line-stripping applications.




    Constructed to provide quick and easy access to replace seals and service parts when required

    Ability to run dry for short periods of time, providing exceptional suction and dry priming capability

    Self-adjusting Duravanes® are long-lasting, nonmetallic composite vanes that automatically adjust clearances and sustain the highest levels of flow performance, efficiency and reliability

    316 stainless-steel pump housing field-proven design based on the STX3

    Adjustable bypass relief valve protects the pump from excessive pressure buildup

    Low-friction, grease-lubricated external ball bearings are isolated from the pumpage by mechanical seals for trouble-free service and long life

    Heavy-duty shaft capable of clockwise or counterclockwise rotation

    Specially developed chemical mechanical seal designed for long life performance with thin liquids and non-lubricating liquids

    Equipped with drain plugs to allow easy draining after flushing

    Advantages of sliding vane technology:

    Unique sliding-vane pump design self-adjusts for wear to maintain flow rates

    Excellent self-priming and dry-run capabilities

    Sliding vane design provides sustained performance and trouble-free operation

    Easy maintenance: vanes can be easily replaced without removing the pump from the piping system

    High suction lift and line-stripping capabilities

    Low maintenance and low life-cycle costs




    Transfer of corrosive & non-corrosive liquids




    Vegetable Oils




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