More than just Pump SalesWith over 60+ years experience in pump sales, repair, installation and Commisioning
A wide range of SparesTo support our customers, we carry an extensive amount of spares and service kits in our warehouse which allows same day or next day service anywhere in the UK.
Experienced Pump RepairFrom our workshop facilities we provide the complete in-house pump repair solution for a wide variety of industrial and commercial pumps. With our qualified and experienced engineers this allows us to guarantee high levels of quality and service.
Pump InstallationFluid Pumps are at the forefront of general pump repairs, maintenance, remedial work and pump installation. You can count on us to control your project from pump selection, design to installation.
Pump CommisioningWe provide a comprehensive commissioning service for pumping equipment we have installed or done by others. We have a pre-commissioning check list that makes sure no unnecessary site visits are made.